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Doda Pin Code - Pin Code Of Doda

Below is the list of all the 132 Pin Codes of Doda

S.No. Post Office pincode Taluk City Delievery Type
1 Aftee B.O 182205 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
2 Alambas B.O 182145 Ramban Doda Delivery
3 Assar B.O 182143 Ramban Doda Delivery
4 Badhat B.O 182204 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
5 Baggar B.O 182143 Doda Doda Delivery
6 Bajarni B.O 182202 Doda Doda Delivery
7 Banihal S.O 182146 Ramban Doda Delivery
8 Banoon B.O 182203 Thathri Doda Delivery
9 Batote S.O 182143 Ramban Doda Delivery
10 Batroo B.O 182145 Banihal Doda Delivery
11 Beoli B.O 182202 Doda Doda Delivery
12 Bhaderwah S.O 182222 Bhaderwah Doda Delivery
13 Bhagwa B.O 182202 Doda Doda Delivery
14 Bhalla B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
15 Bhalla B.O 182221 Bhaderwah Doda Delivery
16 Bhalra B.O 182221 Bhaderwah Doda Delivery
17 Bhartund B.O 182148 Ramban Doda Delivery
18 Bhatni B.O 182144 Doda Doda Delivery
19 Chachwa B.O 182144 Doda Doda Delivery
20 Chakka B.O 182148 Ramban Doda Delivery
21 Chambalwas B.O 182146 Banihal Doda Delivery
22 Chanderkot S.O 182148 Ramban Doda Delivery
23 Chanichinta B.O 182222 Bhaderwah Doda Delivery
24 Chareel B.O 182146 Banihal Doda Delivery
25 Chattarsori B.O 182221 Bhaderwah Doda Delivery
26 Chhatroo B.O 182205 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
27 Chilli B.O 182203 Bhalessa (Gandoh) Doda Delivery
28 Chingam B.O 182205 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
29 Chirala B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
30 Chouri B.O 182203 Bhalessa (Gandoh) Doda Delivery
31 Dachhan B.O 182205 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
32 Dachhan B.O 182202 Doda Doda Delivery
33 Deedah B.O 182144 Doda Doda Delivery
34 Dessa B.O 182202 Doda Doda Delivery
35 Dhandal B.O 182124 Doda Doda Delivery
36 Dhandal B.O 182147 Doda Doda Delivery
37 Dhara B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
38 Dharamkund B.O 182144 Doda Doda Delivery
39 Dhesa B.O 182203 Bhalessa (Gandoh) Doda Delivery
40 Doda S.O (Doda) 182202 Doda Doda Delivery
41 Dool B.O 182204 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
42 Dul Hasti Project S.O 182206 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
43 Duligam B.O 182146 Banihal Doda Delivery
44 Galhar B.O 182204 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
45 Gandoh B.O 182203 Bhalessa (Gandoh) Doda Delivery
46 Gandri B.O 182144 Doda Doda Delivery
47 Ganika B.O 182147 Doda Doda Delivery
48 Ghat B.O 182202 Doda Doda Delivery
49 Goha B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
50 Gundna B.O 182202 Doda Doda Delivery
51 Halla B.O 182148 Ramban Doda Delivery
52 Hoochak B.O 182145 Banihal Doda Delivery
53 Humble B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
54 Ind B.O 182144 Doda Doda Delivery
55 Inderwal B.O 182205 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
56 Inharrah B.O 182203 Bhalessa (Gandoh) Doda Delivery
57 Jakyas B.O 182203 Bhalessa (Gandoh) Doda Delivery
58 Jodhpur B.O 182202 Doda Doda Delivery
59 Jogote B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
60 Jora B.O 182203 Thathri Doda Delivery
61 Kainthi B.O 182148 Ramban Doda Delivery
62 Kaljugasar B.O 182203 Bhalessa (Gandoh) Doda Delivery
63 Kandni B.O 182204 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
64 Kanga B.O 182144 Doda Doda Delivery
65 Kaskoot B.O 182146 Ramban Doda Delivery
66 Kastigarh S.O 182147 Doda Doda Delivery
67 Katyara B.O 182222 Bhaderwah Doda Delivery
68 Khalaini B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
69 Khari B.O 182145 Banihal Doda Delivery
70 Khellani S.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
71 Khorial B.O 182145 Ramban Doda Delivery
72 Kilhotran B.O 182203 Bhalessa (Gandoh) Doda Delivery
73 Kishtwar S.O 182204 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
74 Kukerwas B.O 182204 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
75 Kundi Karol B.O 182148 Ramban Doda Delivery
76 Kursari B.O 182221 Bhaderwah Doda Delivery
77 Kutal B.O 182204 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
78 Mahu B.O 182146 Banihal Doda Delivery
79 Maitra Bazar B.O 182144 Ramban Doda Delivery
80 Malanoo B.O 182203 Thathri Doda Delivery
81 Malhori B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
82 Malhota B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
83 Malhoti B.O 182221 Bhaderwah Doda Delivery
84 Maligam B.O 182145 Ramban Doda Delivery
85 Malindal B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
86 Mandel B.O 182204 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
87 Mangat B.O 182146 Banihal Doda Delivery
88 Mangota B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
89 Manlnai B.O 182201 Bhaderwah Doda Delivery
90 Mohalla B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
91 Mugal Maidan B.O 182205 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
92 Mundhar B.O 182147 Doda Doda Delivery
93 Nai Bhalara B.O 182201 Thathri Doda Delivery
94 Neel B.O 182146 Banihal Doda Delivery
95 Neera B.O 182148 Ramban Doda Delivery
96 Nodinalla B.O 182203 Thathri Doda Delivery
97 Nowgam B.O 182146 Ramban Doda Delivery
98 Nowpachi B.O 182205 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
99 Padar B.O 182204 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
100 Palmar S.O 182205 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
101 Paristan B.O 182145 Banihal Doda Delivery
102 Pechhal B.O 182204 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
103 Peera B.O 182148 Ramban Doda Delivery
104 Pogal B.O 182145 Banihal Doda Delivery
105 Porandhar B.O 182146 Banihal Doda Delivery
106 Premnagar B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
107 Ramban Kutchery B.O 182144 Doda Doda Delivery
108 Ramban S.O 182144 Ramban Doda Delivery
109 Ramsu S.O 182145 Ramban Doda Delivery
110 Ranka B.O 182143 Ramban Doda Delivery
111 Roat B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
112 Rukali B.O 182201 Thathri Doda Delivery
113 Samthi B.O 182143 Ramban Doda Delivery
114 Sanasar B.O 182143 Ramban Doda Delivery
115 Sarthal B.O 182204 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
116 Sawni B.O 182148 Ramban Doda Delivery
117 Shiva B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
118 Sidgi B.O 182205 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
119 Sindra B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
120 Sungli Sartingal B.O 182222 Bhaderwah Doda Delivery
121 Tagood B.O 182205 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
122 Tarigam B.O 182145 Banihal Doda Delivery
123 Thakrai B.O 182205 Kishtwar Doda Delivery
124 Thathar B.O 182146 Banihal Doda Delivery
125 Thathri S.O 182203 Thathri Doda Delivery
126 Thopal B.O 182143 Ramban Doda Delivery
127 Topnel Chuchter B.O 182148 Ramban Doda Delivery
128 Trewan B.O 182201 Doda Doda Delivery
129 Tringla B.O 182143 Ramban Doda Delivery
130 Trungal B.O 182143 Doda Doda Delivery
131 Udrana S.O 182221 Bhaderwah Doda Delivery
132 Udyanpur B.O 182202 Doda Doda Delivery

What is the Pin Code of Doda,India ?

List of all Pincodes of Doda,India ?

How many Post Offices are there in Doda ,India ?

There are total 132 Post Offices in Doda ,India with other details.

Did you know ?

Did you know that Doda has total 132 Pincodes and post offices

There are total 18 districts in JAMMU & KASHMIR state in which Doda is one of them, that is very famous and growing district of JAMMU & KASHMIR. Total 41 places list of Doda district with Pin code, taluk, division, sub division, circle, region, and contacts are available on Address Adda. There are so many blocks in Doda District like Aftee B.O, Alambas B.O, Assar B.O, Badhat B.O, Baggar B.O, Bajarni B.O, Banihal S.O, Banoon B.O, Batote S.O, Batroo B.O, Beoli B.O, Bhaderwah S.O, Bhagwa B.O, Bhalla B.O, Bhalla B.O, Bhalra B.O, Bhartund B.O, Bhatni B.O, Chachwa B.O, Chakka B.O, Chambalwas B.O, Chanderkot S.O, Chanichinta B.O, Chareel B.O, Chattarsori B.O, Chhatroo B.O, Chilli B.O, Chingam B.O, Chirala B.O, Chouri B.O etc. All pin codes of all blocks and taluks of Doda is available here.

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What is PIN Code number ?

Indian Postal Services use Postal Index Number(PIN) also called as Pincode for numbering Post Offices. PIN Code is a 6 digit numerical code used to find delivery Post Offices in India. The PIN codes provided by Indian Postal Services are divided in 9 zones. The first digit represents the region,second digits represents the sub-region whereas the third digit represents the district of that particular region.

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