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South Andaman Pin Code - Pin Code Of South Andaman

Below is the list of all the 49 Pin Codes of South Andaman

S.No. Post Office pincode Taluk City Delievery Type
1 Aberdeen Bazar S.O 744104 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
2 Bambooflat S.O 744107 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery
3 Beachdera B.O 744206 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery
4 Beodnabad B.O 744105 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
5 Bimbiton B.O 744105 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
6 Brijgunj B.O 744103 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
7 Calicut B.O 744105 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
8 Chakargoan S.O 744112 Portblair South andaman Delivery
9 Chatham S.O 744102 Portblair South andaman Non-Delivery
10 Chouldari B.O 744103 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
11 Delanipur S.O 744102 Portblair South andaman Non-Delivery
12 Dundas Point B.O 744206 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery
13 Garacharama S.O 744105 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
14 Guptapara B.O 744103 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
15 Haddo S.O 744102 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
16 Havelock Bazar B.O 744211 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
17 Havelock S.O 744211 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
18 Herbertabad B.O 744103 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery
19 Humferygunj B.O 744105 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery
20 Hut Bay S.O 744207 Hut Bay South andaman Delivery
21 Jirkatong B.O 744206 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery
22 Junglighat S.O 744103 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
23 Kalatong B.O 744206 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery
24 Marine Jetty S.O 744101 Portblair South andaman Non-Delivery
25 Mathura B.O 744206 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery
26 Miletilak B.O 744206 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery
27 Minnie Bay S.O 744103 Portblair South andaman Non-Delivery
28 N.S.Building S.O 744101 Portblair South andaman Non-Delivery
29 Neil Island B.O 744104 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
30 Netajinagar B.O 744207 Hut Bay South andaman Delivery
31 Ograbanj B.O 744103 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery
32 Peal Island B.O 744211 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
33 Port Blair H.O   H.O 744101 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
34 R.R Station B.O 744206 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery
35 Radio Colony B.O 744102 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
36 Ramakrishnapur B.O 744207 Hut Bay South andaman Delivery
37 Rubber Research Station B.O 744206 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery
38 Rutland B.O 744105 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
39 School Line B.O 744103 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
40 Shadipur S.O 744106 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
41 Shoalbay B.O 744206 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery
42 Sippighat B.O 744105 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
43 Sitapur B.O 744104 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
44 Stewertgunj B.O 744107 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery
45 Strait Island B.O 744211 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
46 Tushnabad B.O 744103 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
47 Vivekandapur B.O 744207 Hut Bay South andaman Delivery
48 Wandoor B.O 744103 Port Blair South andaman Delivery
49 Wimberlygunj S.O 744206 Ferrargunj South andaman Delivery

Did you know ?

Did you know that South Andaman has total 49 Pincodes and post offices

There are total 3 districts in ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS state in which South Andaman is one of them, that is very famous and growing district of ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS. Total 41 places list of South Andaman district with Pin code, taluk, division, sub division, circle, region, and contacts are available on Address Adda. There are so many blocks in South Andaman District like Aberdeen Bazar S.O, Bambooflat S.O, Beachdera B.O, Beodnabad B.O, Bimbiton B.O, Brijgunj B.O, Calicut B.O, Chakargoan S.O, Chatham S.O, Chouldari B.O, Delanipur S.O, Dundas Point B.O, Garacharama S.O, Guptapara B.O, Haddo S.O, Havelock Bazar B.O, Havelock S.O, Herbertabad B.O, Humferygunj B.O, Hut Bay S.O, Jirkatong B.O, Junglighat S.O, Kalatong B.O, Marine Jetty S.O, Mathura B.O, Miletilak B.O, Minnie Bay S.O, N.S.Building S.O, Neil Island B.O, Netajinagar B.O etc. All pin codes of all blocks and taluks of South Andaman is available here.

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What is PIN Code number ?

Indian Postal Services use Postal Index Number(PIN) also called as Pincode for numbering Post Offices. PIN Code is a 6 digit numerical code used to find delivery Post Offices in India. The PIN codes provided by Indian Postal Services are divided in 9 zones. The first digit represents the region,second digits represents the sub-region whereas the third digit represents the district of that particular region.

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